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Story of the Generational Plan

What is the benefit of a Generational Plan

Úxwumixw 2050 is a critical step for our Nation in achieving its mission, values, and visions, which are focused on improving the quality of life of our members and community. As a holistic process, the development of a Generational Plan enables our community to build a roadmap to sustainability, self-sufficiency, and improved governance capacity. Because the Generational Plan process will clarify our community’s values, issues and priorities, staff and Council can use the Generational Plan to make decisions and track and report on progress.


The Generational Plan is our way of making Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw better. We set our own goals and work together to make our dreams for our Nation come true.


What is a Generational Plan

The Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Generational Plan is a comprehensive community plan (CCP). We chose to call it a Generational Plan to better reflect who we are. A Generational Plan is a holistic, long-term plan for our nation. It will incorporate our values and traditional ways and describe the future we want for our current and future leadership, administration, members and community. Developing a holistic plan for our nation will give everyone, including on and off-reserve members, youth, and elders, a chance to participate in setting priorities and shaping the future of our community. Once complete, this plan will guide Council and staff in developing programs and services, and in setting out priorities in capital planning.


How a Generational Plan works with other plans

The Generational Plan plays a central role in guiding and aligning various aspects of governance, development, and community well-being within Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw. It shows the long-term vision and objectives that the community wants to achieve. The plan works in conjunction with other planning and governance efforts the Nation is currently engaged in. This integrated approach ensures that the community’s long-term vision is consistently pursued and achieved across different levels of governance and development.


We wanted to make sure that everyone in the community could share their thoughts and ideas in a way that works for them. We used different ways to hear from people like using the internet, sharing videos, attending community events, and meeting in person. We know that everyone has different preferences and needs, so we used a lot of ways to involve as many people as possible. We wanted to make sure that everyone could join in and contribute to our Generational Plan. Take a look inside the plan to see details for how we listened to and worked with Sḵwx̱wú7mesh people throughout the process.

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